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Report Text:
11.  Animal 1
Owls are a group of animals that belong to the group of birds. Owls are carnivorous because they eat animals and are active at night or nocturnal. Owls spread almost all over the world except Antarctica. In the western world the animal is considered a symbol of wisdom but in Indonesia the owl is considered as a sign of the coming disaster or death.
Owls are known for big his eye and facing forward. The owl has a beak like an eagle that used to tear their prey.
Usually owl furry brown or gray. Owl has large wings and width. Most owls hunt at night. Owls have other habits such as hunting in the dark. Can rotate his neck and flying without being noisy.
Owls maintaining the lay eggs population.
22. Animal 2
Do you know what the largest lizard is? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few Indonesian islands.
Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg)
Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail. They use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains from several miles away. They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic.
The Komodo dragon's teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo dragons saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey, and then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on. This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.

33. Tree
          A mangrove is a tropical marine tree. Mangroves have special aerial roots and salt-filtering tap roots which enable them to thrive in brackish water. Brackish water is salty but not as salty as sea water. Mangrove trees are commonly planted and found in coastal areas. Mangroves can serve as walls of protection for natural disaster in coastal area like tsunami. According to BBC News, healthy mangrove forests had helped save lives in the Asia disaster tsunami and people tended to respect these natural barriers even more, especially after the tsunami.
There are several species of mangrove tree found all over the world. Some prefer more salinity, while others like to be very-close to a large fresh water source such as river. Some prefer areas that are sheltered from waves. Some species have their roots covered with sea water every day during high tide. Other species grow on dry land but are still part of the ecosystem. The Times of India reported that rare species of mangrove had been found and was also known as the looking-glass tree, probably because the leaves are silver-coated. Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leave above the surface of the water. Yet they also need to be firmly attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves.
Any part of root that appears above the water flows oxygen to the plant under water surface. As the soil begin to build up, these roots procedure additional roots that become embedded in the soil.
44. Fruit
Grape is a fruit of the vine shrubs included into the vitaceae family. This fruit usually used to make grape juice, jelly, wine, grape seed oil, and raisins or eaten directly. this plant has been cultivated 4000 BC in Middle East.
Grape is one of the plants that live in lowland areas, unlike most other crops, grapes it takes a long dry season ranges from 4-7 months in order to grow well. land use should be fertile and friable texture and nutritional in take in order to have a good air supply. Benefits of the grape is to increases the production of good fats. Coccolaba uvifera sea grape is native to the caribbean sea on the ground.

55. Planet/Stars
A star is a massive, luminous ball of plasma held together by gravity. At the end of its lifetime, a star can also contain a proportion of degenerate matter. The nearest star to Earth is the Sun, which is the source of most of the energy on Earth.
Other stars are visible from Earth during the night, most commonly appearing as a multitude of fixed luminous points, when they are not outshone by the Sun or blocked by atmospheric phenomena. Historically, the most prominent stars on the celestial sphere were grouped together into constellations and asterisms, and the brightest stars gained proper names. Extensive catalogues of stars have been assembled by astronomers, which provide standardized star designations.
66.   Technology
Computers are machine that handle information automatically. They can perform calculations and process data. Computers can work with numbers to solve problems in a few seconds. Computers can remember a great deal of information. That is why computers are widely used in places such as banks, offices and companies.
          Computers work like calculators. But most calculators can do only one thing at a time. We tell them what to do by pressing various buttons. To do the same work, we can give a series of instructions to a computer program. If we set up a program, the computer can provide other information, such as a list, numbers, letters, word or even graphs or pictures. Once we provide a program the computer can do all this work automatically without further help or instruction.
          A computer stores and handles numbers. The numbers maybe mathematical formulas or columns of figures. The numbers may also be codes that stand for letters of the alphabet, words or instructions to the computer.
77.  Disaster
Tornadoes are known as one of the most damaging disasters. What is the description of tornadoes? A tornado is a very powerful column of winds which spirals around a center of low atmospheric pressure. A tornado will look like a large black funnel which hangs down from a storm cloud.
The name "tornado" derives from the Latin "tonare". It means "to thunder." While the Spanish developed the word into "tornear" which means "to turn or twist". This is why tornado is sometimes called twister or cyclone.
The winds inside a twister can spin around at speeds up to 500 miles an hour, but it usually travels at roughly 300 miles an hour. This speed twisting makes a tornado the most dangerous storm.
The average tornado has a diameter of about 200 to 300 yards. The smaller tornadoes are known as satellite tornadoes. These small offspring, about 50 yards across, can be very fierce and do lots of damage.
The forming of a tornado can be very quick. Sometimes it can form in a minute or less. A tornado can travel across the ground at high speeds, then it can suddenly vanish. Most tornadoes last less than twenty minutes and travel less than 15 miles. However, the super storms sometimes travel over 100 miles before they are exhausted.

88.  Event
            Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween.
          The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o’-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow.
          Dressing in masks and costumes is a popular Halloween activity. Costumes can be traditional and scary, such as a witch’s pointy hat and black gown. Costumes may also have a modern flavor. Many children dress up as movie characters or a favorite superhero.
          But Halloween is not just for children. Many adults enjoy showing off their costumes at Halloween parties!
99.   Building
          A bank is a financial institution that provides bangking and other financial services. It is an institution that holdsa bangking license.

          The word bank derived from the Italian banca. This word derived from German and means bench. Typically, a bank generates profits from transaction fees on financial services or the interests from a loan. The type of services offered by a bank depens on the type of bank and the country. However, bank services usually include lending out money to companies and individuals, issuing checking and saving accounts, cashing checks, facilitating money transactions such as wire transfer, issuing credit cards, ATM, debit cards, and also storing valuable things in safe deposit boxes.
